Sunday, May 31, 2015

7 jenis Jus Buah & Sayur yang Berkhasiat

Para ilmuwan telah menemukan khasiat bebrapa jus yang kaya antioksidan, baik untuk jantung. Hanya dengan minum 1 gelas per hari dapat memperbaiki aliran darah dan membat wajah segar serta awet muda.

1.  Jus Jeruk. Manfaatnya dapat membentuk system kekebalan tubuh dan proteksi terhadap anemia. Sumber vitamin C yang paling baik, juga sumber asam folat, sehingga wanita hamil sebaiknya meminumnya dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak. Penelitian baru menyarankan minum segelas jus jeruk/hari, ternyata juga membantu mencegah terjadinya radang sendi.

2.  Jus Delima. Manfaatnya membantu jantung. Delima kaya antioksidan yang membantu mencegah penyumbatan pad pembuluh darah arteri oleh kolestrol. Delima juga dihubungkan dengan pencegahan terjadinya kanker prostat. Bahkan dipercaya dapat mempertahankan kesadaran seseorang yang detak jantungnya lemah. Kandungan di dalamnya adalah vitamin A,C dan E serta asam folat sehingga penting pada tahap awal kehamilan.

3.   Jus Anggur. Mafaatnya untuk system kekebalam tubuh. Kaya akan vitamin C. buah anggur merupakan sejenis jeruk dan oleh karena itu kaya akan betakaroten. Ini membantu membantu kulit dari kerusakan yang di akibatkan oleh radiakl bebas. Jus ini juga dapat mencegah serangan jantung. Tetapi hindari mengonsumsinya bila anda sedang dalam medikasi. Sebab, jus ini mengandung suatu substansi yang dapat memperlambat pemecahan beberapa obat, serta menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah obat dalam aliran darah, sehingga meningkatkan dampaknya.

4.   Jus Apel. Manfaat untuk energy dan melindungi jantung. Kaya akan flavonoid yang membantu melindungi jantung. Tetapi penggunaaanya dihindari pada anak-anak, karena dapat menyebabkan keluhan gangguan lambung.

5.   Jus Nanas. Baik untuk pencernaan. Buah ini mengandung enzim bromelain, yang membantu mencerna protein. Juga mengandung gula alamiah untuk meningkatkan energy. Namun penderita diabetes harus berhati-hati karena kandungan gulanaya cukup tinggi.

6.  Jus Tomat. Manfaatnya dapat melangsingkan tubuh. Jus ini juga mengandung bioflavonoid yang membantu memperkuat pembuluh darah kapiler, sehingga tidak menimbulkan kebocoran dan pembentukan kantong yang mengandung air pada kulit yagn menyebabkan selulit. Dan kandungan lipoken dalam tomat telah dikaitkan dengan penurunan resiko tejadinya kanker prostat. Tetapi penggunaanya sebaiknya dihindari pada individu dengan tekanan darah tinggi, karena jus tomat mengandung kadar garam yang tinggi.

7.   Jus Mentimun. Manfaatnya, air mentimun sangat baik untuk menambah kemilau rambut, warna bibir, menghaluskan dan membuat kulit elastis serta membuat mata bercahaya. Selain itu mentimun jgua dapat mengobati kulit yang terbakar akibat panas sinar matahari.

Warna dan Khasiat Buah - Sayuran Favorit Keluarga

Tentu semua orang tahu bahwa melengkapi asupan gizi sangat penting bagi kesehatan anggota keluarga yang kita sayangi. Namun tidak banyak yang menyadari bahwa nutrisi makanan yang kita asup dapat di ketahui berdasarkan warna dari makanan tersebut . Jadi, berikut saya ulas beberapa pengetahuan mengenai warna makanan dan nutrisi yang terkandung didalamnya.

 Warna merah tua dan ungu. Buah dan sayuran bewarna merah tua dan ungu umumnya mengandung anthocyanin, yaitu antioksidan untuk menghambat terbentuknya gumpalan pada pembuluh darah. Dengan demikian akan megurangi resiko penyakit jantung dan stroke. selain terung ungu, buah dan sayur yang mengandung anthocyanin adalah pir merah, kol ungu, cabai merah, plum, blueberries, stroberi, ceri, anggur merah dan ungu serta apel merah.

Warna kuning atau hijau. Anda ingin mata sehat ? jangan segan untuk mengonsumsi bauh dan sayur bewarna kunign atau hijau yang mengandung lutein dan zeaxanthin. Selain memperlambat pemburukan katarak, zat ini juga mampu memperlambat penurunan daya penglihatan. Buah dan sayura: kacang polong, buncis, cabai hijau, melon, kiwi, bayam, alpukat, jagung, mentimun dengan kulitnya serta buncis.

Warna merah. Buah – buahan bewarna merah banyak mengandung lycopene, yaitu antioksidan yang ampuh melawan kanker. Tomat termasuk produk olahan tomat seperti saus tomat,. Selain tomat, anda bisa mendapatkan antioksidan penting pada jambu bold an semangka.

Warna jingga. Warna jingga mengandung betacarotene, yakni zat penting yang dominan dalam buah-buahan bewarna jingga. Selain berkhasiat menjaga kesehatan mata dan kulit, betacarotene juga mengurangi risiiko kanker. Buah dan sayur sumber betacarotene : apricot, manga, labu, ubi jalar.

Warna hijau. Sayur-sayuran bewarna hijau adalah gudang zat penting isothiocyanate, sulforaphane dan indole. Zat-zat ini untuk merangsang produksi enzim pada liver untuk melawan kanker. Beberapa contoh buah dan sayuran hijau dan agak putih adlah kembang kol, lobak, brokoli, kol dan bokcoi.

Warna kuning atau jingga. Buah-buahan kuning masih sekeluarga dengan buah-buahan bewarna jingga merupakan sumber betacryptoxanthin, sejenis anioksidan untuk melindungi sel tubuh dari kerusakan, untuk buah-buahan, anda dapat mengonsumsi jeruk, peach, nenas dan papaya.

Warna putih atau hijau. Bawang putih selain menyedapkan aroma masakan, juga mengandung zat antitumor allicin. Jenis sayuran bewarna putih atau hijau juga mengandug flavonoid, yakni zat untuk melindungi sel dari kerusakan. Jenis sayuran : asparagus, daun seledri, daun bawang dan jamur lokio.


Located within the Alas Purwo national Park, Plengkung Beach is well-known by surfers as “G-Land”. The “G” in this nickname is derived from a number of the beach’s key aspects.

First, the “G” stands for “Great”, referring to the beach’s appropriately named waves. The waves here rip after 1 to 2 meters from east to west, with heights reaching 4 to 6 meters, at 5 minute intervals. Under these conditions, professional surfers an ride longer barrels. The beach’s reputation as a prime surfing spot precedes it, as it has been hosting various international surfing event for years.

Second, ‘G’ stand for ‘Green’, or sometimes ‘Green Land’. This refers to the offshore areas, not far from a tropical jungle within the Alas Purwo National Park. ‘G’ is also to the first initial of Garajagan, the name of the bay and harbor where tourist boats usually take port, and as a final touchm Plengkung is also located in a gulf that takes the shape of a ‘G’.

The formation of giant waves in plengkung consists of up to seven layers and a leftward tier, which makes it perfect for a left-handed surfers. Hawai, Australia, and South Africa are the only places where you can find the world’s most demanding surfing spot, and the waves in Plengkung come second only to Hawai, which has great usually come from April through August.

Bob Laverty and Bill Boyum first popularized Plengkung and its waves in 1972. They built a surf camp on the shore, which became well-known amongst surfers from all over the world. Bobby Radiasa, a surfer from Bali, later developed this surf camp and has been managing it ever since.

The vast, white, sandy area is covered in natural forest, isolated from the bustle of the city. As such, don’t expect great cell phone service or television reception out here. There isn’t even single roadside food stall to be found. This beach is a perfect place to simply surf and take a nice break from civilization.

To reach Plengkung, you can travel on land via Banyuwangi – Kalipahit for 59km by bus. Continue on to the kalipahit – Pasaranyar route for 3km by ojek (motor taxi) or rented car. Follow the Pasaranyar Trianggulasi – Pancur route for 15km, then finally Pancur-Plengkung for 9km. Alternatively, you can travel from Banyuwangi to benculuk for about 3km by bus or other public transportation. Continue to Grajagan for 18km before you ride a speedboat to Plengkung.

The route from Perhutani post to Plengkung takes about an hour and a half, through asphalt road for the first 2km and dirt trails for the remaining 8km. if you’re lucky, you’ll catch a glimpse of some wild monkeys, peacocks, and many other birds as you pass through alas Purwo National Park. The trees in this area tend to grow on very large scale.


  • May through October is the best time to surf, particularly from July through September, when foreign surfers flock the beach to ride its highest and longest waves.
  • If you’re hoping to watch the surfers, be sure to bring along some binoculars, and perhaps even a telescope to see them surfing farther out in the middle of the sea.


Once you’ve had your fair share of Pangandaran beach, change things up by surfing in Batukaras. While not as wide or long as the Pangandaran coastlines, Batukaras offers a wholly different experience.

Famous as a sufer’s paradise. When you’re not surfing, even just swimming around is great in Batukaras. The coastline offers both tall waves and still waters, a beautiful and harmonious blend.

If you want to get a taste of the area’s surfing, you can rent one of Batukaras rather unique surf boards. The spongy material these ‘boards’ are made out of is more kind to the base of flip-flops, and rather than standing on them, they’re more commonly used to help you paddle back to shore.

Batukaras is popular with both local and international surfer, its primary appeal coming from its relatively smooth shore and small gulf. As a result, surfers don’t  need to paddle all the way out to the middle of the sea to catch a great wave.

There are numerous place for beginners to rent serfing gear, as well as plently of experienced instructors. These instructors teach you everything you need to know to get started surfing. Everyone from total newbies to veteran surfers will have plently to enjoy in the waters of Batukaras.

There are three spots in particular that are wellknown to the area’s surfers : Karang, Legok Pari, and Bulak Bendak. “Karang” literally means “rocks”, as it is quite rocky around this spot, making it quite impossible to surf without a high tide. Legok pari is the favorite spot for most surfers, as it’s relatively safe and has medium height waves. For daring  professional surfers, though, Bulak bendak is unparalled. Here, the waves reach exceptional heights, creating long, tall walls of water. This particularspot can only be reached by boat.

Surfing isn’t the only thing batukaras has to offer. For thse more interested in dry land, there are several camping grounds and hiking trails to explore. Karang Nunggal, for example, is an isolated beach whith spectacular views, surrounded by striking, tall rocks.

Batukaras is perfect hideaway for anyone and everyone. Nothing compares to the long walks down the beach at sunset, sipping a cup of coffee at one of the stralls in the afternoon, spending a day watching your children build sand castle or simply lying down on the sand, bathing in sunbeams. Some call Batukaras “little bali”, for sfamiliar feel it offers with a little hint of adventure.

Batukaras is located about 40 km, or about an hour drive, from Pangandaran. It is most convenient to travel via private vehicle.


  • Visit during November through April to see powerful yet serene waves.
  • When you’re not surfing, make time to visit Green Canyon, another famous tourist spot not far from batukaras.

The Southern Coast Of Gunung Kidul: The Riveting Natural Blend

Behind the desolate karst landscape of Mount Kidul lies the enchanting and hypnotizing southern coast. Don’t let the reefs fool you, this vast plane of white sand is well worth an exploration. There are also interesting stories behind the names of each of the coast’s beaches.

Take ngobaran beach, for istance. The name of one of the beaches also the souther coastline of Mount Kidul originated from the word kobong or kobar. According to statements from the locals, this was where Prabu Brawijaya V burned himself as a refusal to convert to Islam.

There are many versions of the story about the end of the story about the end of Majapahit at the hands of Prabu Brawijaya V, however. Some say that he achieved moksa (a state of liberation, salvation or emancipation of the soul) in Mount Lawu, while Darmu gandhul recorded that Brawijaya was already converted by Kalijogo. Each version holds its fair share of controversy, and none are unanimously accepted as true.

Not far from Ngobaran, only a few minutes’ walk, you can find Ngrenehan Beach. The coast is quite small, with a cliff on each side, and dozens of fishing boats scattered along the shore.

Next, there is Baron Beach. The sands that cover this area are of a darker shade similar to those on Perangtritis. This beach is the most accessible as it has been well-organized and well-known for quite some time, being that at one time it was the mascot of the area. Here, you can find a creek where the river streams off the cliff.

If you travel eastward by private vehicle, a smooth trail will lead you to the Kukup, Drini, and Krakal beaches, all lying in line. Kukup beach might look familiar, reminding you of Tanah Lot with a house situated offshore. These shores are not far from each other, making it easy to visit them all in one trip. They are all covered with the same uniquely textured and khaki-colored sand.

Farther east, you will find more beaches with their own unique beauties and quirks. (again, trying not to depict the beaches negatively. ‘Unique’ and ‘quirky’ are places that people are curious enough to visit, ‘flawed’ is pushing it). Take Wediombo beach, for example. The shore of this beach is particularly wide, which is appropriate given that its name comes from the words Wedi (sand) and Ombo (broad).

Once you’ve reached Wediombo, you shouldn’t leave before paying a visit to Siung Beach. This beachnis famous amongst rock climbers for it 250 climbing trails, which range from light and easy to incredibly strenuous and challenging. In 2005, this beach hosted a gathering of rock climbers from all over Asia for a special event.

One of the most famous climbing tracks is the seahorse track. In addition to its high level high level of complexity, it is located face to face with the southern ocean. As you might imagine, a single mistake can put you in a very perilous position. At the top of the cliff sits a reef shaped like a seahorse, from which this track gets its well-known nickname.
There are plenty of other beaches in the area that are also worth visiting, including Drini Beach, Indrayani Beach, and Sundak Beach, just to name a few.
Unfortunarely, you’ll have to drive your own vehicle to visit these beaches, as public transportation will only tak ou as far Baron Beach from Wonosari.


  • Bring along some sunscreen when you’re visiting during the day.
  • Keep from littering, especially because some of the beaches are untouched, with no one managing the area.
  • Some of the beaches don’t have food stalls, so be sure to pack some of your own food just in case!

Mount Bromo, The Exotic Giant Caldera

It is said that Mount Bromo is the mascot of East Java. Your visit to this province would not be complete without setting foot on this province would not be complete without setting foot on this giant desert. Part of Bromo Tengger Semeru national Park, this mountain houses a wondrous 5,250 hectare desert, which rests 2,392 meters above sea level.

Named after Brahma, one of the Hindu gods, Mount Bromo is still an active volcano. Even though there are larger volcanoes in Indonesia, this one in particular is surrounded by spectacular and dramatic scenery. The extraordinary beauty is known to leave visitors awestruck.
Tourist flock to the viewpoint atop Mount Penanjakan, 2,770 meters above sea level, to witness the famous Mount Bromo sunrise. The view is indescribable. The visitors stand ready, waiting to capture the moment on their cameras as it rises before their eyes. From this distance, you  can also see façade of Mount Semeru, puffing out smokes as the sun begins its ascent.

The scenery isn’t all that Mount Bromo has to offer, though. The history and culture of the local Tengger tribe are uniquely  engaging as well. This tribe believes that Mount Bromo was the site at which a prince once sacrificed his life for his family. Once a year later, people of Tengger hold a festival called Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo, during which they bring forth vegetable, chicken and money, and throw them into volcanic crater as an offering to their gods.

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park covers 800sq. km this area. This park is the largest volcano in East Java Province. It’s an otherworldly experience to see the smoke billowing up from Mount Semeru, another active volcano in the area, situated 3,676 meters above sea level.
The park’s caldera is also the biggest on the island of Java, with a vast expanse of barren desert stretching as wide as 10 sq. km. within this sea of sand are seven eruptive centers on two crossing tracks from east to west, and northeast to northwest. Mount Bromo emerged from the latter track, and to this day is still an active volcano that can erupt at any time, threatening to the lives of the local people.

The sandy area of tengger has been conserved since 1919. It is believed to be the only volcanic conservation area in Indonesia, and even the world, that has coastal sand at 2,000 meters above sea level. There are several mountains within the Bromo caldera, including: Mount Watangan (2,661 m above sea level), Mount Batok (2,470 m above sea level), Mount Kursi (2,581 m above sea level), and Mount Widadaren (2,650 m above sea level).
From Surabaya, there are four available routes through which to reach bromo tengger Semeru National Park. You can depart from Malang, Pasuruan, tongas-Probolinggo, or Lumajang.

  • The temperature on Mount Bromo is quite chilly, so bring a jacket, gloves, and a hat, or any other sort of head covering. After the sunrise, however, the weather can shift quite rapidly into a warmer temperature.
  • The path from Pananjakan to the Sea of Sand is quite steep, so it is strongly recommended that you don’t drive a 4-wheel-drive to this area. You can, however, ride a horse, go on foot, or rent 1 4-wheel-drive-capable vehicle from a tour guide as alternate means of transportation.
  • When you are renting or purchasing something, remember to haggle!
  • The sun rises between 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning, assuming the sky is clear, so leave early. For example, if you are staying in Malang, you should depart by 3:00 at the latest.
  • The best time to see the sunrise is between April and October.
  • Don’t forget to pack some food when you hike up to see the sunrise.